Session 9 - Execution: Resources

Human Resource Management

According to the PMBOK, the following processes come under the Human Resource Management knowledge area:

  • Plan Human Resource Management
  • Acquire Project Team
  • Develop Project Team
  • Manage Project Team
Read the following article on Human Resource Management

Class Activity 1

Why is Human Resource Management important? Why do we need to Plan for it?

Why might we need to "acquire" human resources? How do we know what Resources we need?

What is involved in Developing the Project team? If we have acquired the human resources we need, why do we need to then develop them? Don't they already have the skills that we need?

What is involved in Managing the project team?

Project monitoring and Control

Project monitoring and control allow the project manager to get an accurate status on how the project is progressing at any given point in time.

Project monitor and control involves the following:
  • Track, review, and regulate the progress and performance of the project
  • Identify any areas in which changes to the plan are required
  • Initiate the corresponding changes
Read the following article on Project Monitoring and Control:

Class Activity 2

What sorts of things do we have to "monitor and Control" in a project?

What information do you need to Monitor and Control a small project? How do you get that information? What tools can you use?


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